Our New Website - Changes & How it Works

Our New Website - Changes & How it Works

Welcome to our new website! It's been a long time coming so thanks for your patience. 

You will notice a few changes - obviously it looks very different, better I hope you'll agree? We have multiple search options including a search bar as well as filters by diet, dog age, dog size, dietary requirements, protein type and treat type. There's also a change in how the boxes are set up - instead of having subscriptions and one off boxes separately, they're now joined up. So the Variety Box, for example, is available on the same page as a one off order or can be set up as a subscription.  

Subscriptions themselves have changed:

  • there are options in how frequently they are received
  • you can add additional items to your subscription for example specific treats or a supplement
  • you can choose between a range of sizes for your subscription box too.
  • from your account you will also be able to pause your subscription, make changes to box types or frequency
  • each subscription frequency comes with a discount on the one off box price, 10% for monthly subscribers
  • existing subscribers will need to resubscribe I'm afraid. But this does give you the opportunity to review our full range of boxes, and maybe add in additional items 

You'll also see price increases on the box prices - I know, I am sorry! Since I started Stanley Snacks box prices haven't changed, but along with everything else - treat prices, packaging costs, postage charges have all gone up. So in order to keep the boxes up to standard, I have delayed increasing prices in order to tie it in with the change over.  

I would love to get your feedback on the site, is it working well for you, how do you think it looks, have you encountered any issues? 

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