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Get help choosing natural snacks for your dog, subscription support, and other support.

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Need to speak with us?

You can reach us by:
Whatsapp: 07854440095

Alternatively, you can reach out to us via
our social media channels:

Your frequently asked questions

When will I receive my box?

Your first box will be issued when you place your order. Each subsequent subscription box will be issued around the same date each following month until you end the arrangement. You will receive tracking information on dispatch and should receive your parcel from Royal Mail within 48 business hours so you know when to expect it

Can I pause or skip my subscription?

Can I change my monthly box?

Can I add other products to my box subscription this month?

How do I cancel my subscription?

Stanley’s Snippets

Explore our natural snack guides, inspiring community stories and more to help you give the very best to your natural-loving dogs.